Basketball is one of the most beloved sports in the States.
We’ve previously posted about the generosity of a janitor who left behind millions to his local city. It was a story about a (seemingly) ordinary man with a simple life, who donated thousands and left behind a far greater legacy than many thought possible. We have also written about teachers and cab drivers who seemingly lived ordinary lives, but left behind a fortune upon their deaths.
This is a similar story about a man named Ray Vadnais. Ray worked at an otherwise ordinary job as a claims adjustor. Ray Vadnais, a former claims adjuster, left behind a powerful legacy that continues to shape the lives of basketball players. With no claim to fame to speak of, Ray left behind a generous gift to many (hopeful) basketball players. His work as a claims adjustor allowed him to gain insight into the insurance industry; that is most likely how he amassed a small fortune. Proper planning and knowing about the ins and outs of investing allowed him to not only obtain enough to live comfortably, but to leave behind a generous fortune to various organizations. Vadnis in particular supported basketball scolarships. Upon his death, Vadnais generously donated to the Catholic Foundation of Rhode Island to support scholarships for students, and in 2014, his estate left behind a $100,000 donation to the Providence College men’s basketball program.
Vadnais’s fortune was dedicated to supporting aspiring basketball players. He created scholarships, training facilities, mentoring programs, and the like. He empowered young athletes to pursue their dreams of playing basketball on a professional level. They were surprised at just what type of a legacy Ray left behind: Generous gifts bequeathed to Basketball team.